Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sarah is coming to live with us

We are really excited for Sarah to come. Now we have an excuse to do some more traveling. She will live with us for about three months. She is crazy, and always fun to be around. We love the company. In the last picture Pablo decided to "invent cakes." He even came up with names like Platano Africano or "African Banana cake" Customers would come in, and he would ask "do you want to try my new secret recipe from my travels in Africa, it is just experimental, but I am thinking of making some here for the restaurant... what do think?" People would buy it just out of curiosity. Remarkably it tasted a lot like Spanish cake... Nobody knew he was joking with them. But the day was slow so he needed some entertainment.

Remodeling is taking forever!! And its messy.

Even with all of the help things are taking forever...we just do not have the time. Every weekend for the last month have been spent on the house. Sarah comes to live with us tomorrow and we are not ready!! Oh well, we are now considering living at the job site.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to Barcelona

We went to see family and just hang out for week. We got to go to the beach, and hang out with Sara, which meant shopping. One night we even closed the restaurant for the night and had family dinner. It was a great trip, and the Calabaza restaurant to coming along great. Best food in Barcelona if your ever in the neighborhood....empanadas, paella, and milanesa.

Hiking the Grand Canyon

In the middle of July... but we made it

Sunday, May 31, 2009


One of my favorite places. We saw everything but a moose, and we side by side with some wolves. Diana´s mom flew in for the trip, and everything was really cool. Nice camping trip


Kuaui is an awesome. We camped on the beach every night, hiked the Na´pali coast, and Diana even had to dance the Hula.

Last Suns game

Fossil Creek

We went up to Fossil Creek with a bunch of friends earlier this month. It is a swimming hole just north of Strawberry. The hike is just over an hour, and in winds down the canyon to a protected wildlife area. We snorkeled and checked out some of Arizona´s endangered fish

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Trip to Vegas

Just a short trip to Vegas to satisfy my need to gamble. We went there for the day to walk until our feet hurt. People watching was fun, weirdos in Vegas

Bat Caves

We went out to the bat caves the other night. And guess who just came in!? Ana flew in the day that Diana´s mom left. It has been fun having all these people come by. Ana is diana´s best friend but she lives in Spain. She came to visit for a couple of days before she goes to New York (which we are envious of, cuz we could not make it out there). But we had fun crawling around the old mine shafts with my family. Check out Nikki´s head gear.

Ha llegada.

Well she finally made it. We managed to get out and do some things...

Yet another trip to the Grand Canyon!

We come here so much, because of all the visitors we are getting. But this trip was really cool. It has been a long time that I have seen the grand canyon with snow! Last trip, we made the effort to wake up early and watch the sunrise over the canyon. And now with the snow made for some contrasting colors. We believe that traveling is not only where you go, but when. Timing is everything.

Diana´s mom finally came to visit us in the states. She stayed for almost two weeks. Although we had work and school we still managed to get out and do some things. Diana and her mom, well, are inseparable. It was really good to have her finally come out. ¡Pero faltamos Pablo, sara, y david! Esperamos que vengan pronto. Pero al mejor, que vayamos a españa otro vez por la boda de mi cuñado. Diana´s brother just got engaged, so back to barcelona again!!! cant wait.


Well we have been doing a little bit of hiking here in the valley. We like Papago and Camelback alot. It has been perfect weather lately, hopefully it does not get too hot too soon

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Suns Game

Danny Perkinson hooked us up with some pretty amazing seats.  It was fun hanging out with him and his wife.  We even caught some t-shirts!! ( Easily since Rindy through them right to me).  I also met the oldest usher ever, he was nice enough to let us take a picture. 

Weekend in the Mountains

Dallan, Mike, and I went up to the cabin in Strawberry for the weekend with the ladies.  We got to do some sledding, shooting and some amazing cooking from Cammy.  Good times  

Monday, January 12, 2009


The trip to Spain was much needed for us.  When we were there we had the opportunity to see the kids from our old primary!  They are so cool, and missed us as much as we missed them.  My  grandma brought some rice crispy treats, which they do not have over there.  So it was funny to watch the kids trying to eat it!!  They would pull off individual pieces, and were not quite sure if they should just bite into them.  

Back to Barcelona

Well we finally made it back to Spain!!  It was a great trip, and my grandma and dad were able to come out too.  Since they were able to come, we decided to fly into Madrid and then drive to Barcelona.  It gave them a chance to see the countryside a little (during a snowstorm).  But the drive turned out to be really cool.  When we got back to Diana´s family, we ended up talking a walk through the gothic area of the city with some friends.  It was really fun to catch up with all of our old friends, and I especially enjoyed watching Diana spend time with her family.