Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My sister and my brother!

falto yo en la foto!!where am i???
que guapo se ve el fondooo, no parece real!

my lovely family in egypt!

all my family and pili and laura, they went to egypt, for the summer.....i was sooo celossaaa i wanted to go there so bad!!!
i well i will go sometime with cj!
i love my family!!!
mira los guarrillos que bien se lo pasan sin mi, claro como soy una derrochona, mejor ir sin mi!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Rosa, CJ, Damian, Diana, David, Denisse, Ana, Sara y Debo!
Esta es mi gente, this is my people, i have my husband ,brother and my sister, (David and Sara) and my best friends. Aqui estan mis mejores amigos, ahora estamos separados, Cj y yo en Estados Unidos, Damian en su mision( Bilbao) y los demas en barcelona, pero estoy segura que nos volveremos a juntar, sin ellos no soy nadie, without them, i cant!
i love you!!
thanks for Todo!!!!
the pinnacle office went to deep fishing, but what happened to cj??Pesco un tiburon!! ahh si despues de ver el tiburon, ya no me meto mas en el agua, nisiquiera en la orilla, porque esos tiburones andan por todos lados, y creo que si te muerden hacen bastante daño!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Look at cj and chris faces in one pic and the other and tells u everything!i love the 3 brownie guys! They are so fun, and we dont have to do anything or plan to do anything because when we are toguether always something fun happen!

Solo hay que mirar la cara de cj y chris en una foto y en la otra y te lo dice todo! Me encantan los 3 chicos brownies!!son la leche! son super divertidos! les quiero mucho!

My missionarie!

For the people who doesnt know, he is my brother in law, he served a mission in Barcelona, and thanks of him i met cj, when he was in spain he was my english teacher, and one day i told him that i was going to utah, but i told that to a lot of missionaries, but he was the only one who gave me the email from his brother, wich is Cj( my husband) so i email cj and keep in touch until i went to utah and met him, and 2 years later we got married! so le debo mucho a chris!

how cute!

Me encanta esta super, i love this pics, is when we left from the water and we were taking some pics!he looks so cute!

No podiamos salir, las ruedas del coche se quedaron atascadas en la arena y estaban super unididas, no habia manera de salir, asi que un coche nos tuvo que empujar hasta que pudimos sacar el coche, pero entonces cj tuvo que arrancar corriendo y salimos super rapido de la playa por el agua, yo estaba sentada atras chillando y riendome un monton , era super guai y bonitooo

Outer bank

this is a pretty place that we found, we can drive with the car on the beach and we just park next to the water, look at cj how happy he looks but he doesnt know yet whats going to happen.....

es un lugar precioso que encontramos en carolina del norte, pudes ir con el coche,  por la playa y aparcar en la arena mismo al lado del agua, cj parece muy feliz pero no sabe que nos va a ocurrir cuando queramos arrancar el coche para salir, hehehe......QUE GUAPO ES MI NENE!
Amy and me, 
she is really cool girl i have so much fun with her, and she makes me feel good, not lonely! we love to play xbox 360 , call of duty, and we wish someday we can bit the guys!

north carolina

Sam, Chris and C.J. ( the 3 brownies)

Friday, July 11, 2008

the best primay ever!

This is my primary !!the best ward ever!! they are from everywhere!!!I miss to dont have that call in Barcelona 1! i love them so much they  are the cuttest kids ever, even though sometimes they were too complicated!but they are kids!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

kava night! all the group together! and then Sam , the Tonga guy, look at his face after he drinks kava, and he says he loves kava! then la patata!

la pareja mezcla!

well i dont have that much to say in this pic cause u can see everything!
How much we love each other!
he is my perfect man! and i dont know what i will do with out him!
He is so smart, and he can do everything he wants, im super super proud of him!! and im lucky that he is mine!
te quiero nene!

Rogers and Martinez in Spain!

The Rogers they came to spain for my wedding, it was so fun to have them in my city but also is true that i couldnt do a lot of things with them cause i was so stressful about the wedding, but they will come back and i will show them everything!!
we are such a cute family toguether!
i love them so much!

Italy with my babe!


THAT my garrulo brother!!
I love him he is funny, cj say that he is like jim carrey!
we were showering in a gas station cause we were traveling in rollots so we had to shower there!
was so much fun this trip!


Mi madre (la mejor madre del mundo) mi hermana y mi padre!!Son mi tesoro mi hermano y mi marido tambien pero no salen en esta foto!
Les quiero y les debo mi vida! they are the best parents ever!!i own them my life!


This pic is Cj and My sister, when we went to paris!!
they love each other so much!!and miss each other!

My sister!!!!

I think she is gorgeous!!she is my sister and my best friend, she is always there for me. She is only 15 years old. I miss her so much, but she is coming to visit me soon!!i love her so much, she is very very inteligent and she is very important in my life!
this picture is when my parents, sister, grandma and cj we went to Paris!

Ella es super guapa! Es mi hermana y mi mejor amiga, ella siempre esta ahi cuando la necesito. Solo tiene 15 años y mira que guapa y ligona es, cuando tenga 18 , tendre que atarla y tenerla cerca mio. la echo mucho de menos, pero va a venir a visitarme pronto, o mas te vale sara!!Ella es super inteligente y es muy importante en mi vida. TE KIERO SARA!

my two best friends! without them..i wont be happy!

This is when cj was all the summer in spain, and he was leaving to the u.s.a that day, i was staying in barcelona for 1 more month. She is my best friend Ana , we grow up toguether, and we will be best friends forever!
This is when we were taking the pictures for the wedding invitation, as u can see we were having fun at the same time! my sister Sara, was taking the pics!she did a wonderful job!!

Aqui estabamos haciendonos las fotos para la invitacion de la boda, pero a la vez nos lo estabamos pasando genial en el agua, esa ola nos pillo de sorpresa y nos mojo! Mi hermana Es la que no hizo las fotos, de lo cual estoy super contenta porque lo hizo genial!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We miss Barcelona and can´t wait to get back.

Toledo, Spain

Really cool city, famous for making knives, swords and armor.  ¿Pero Salamanca es la mejor eh?

Monday, July 7, 2008


This is a crazy festival in Barce where the townspeople have to protect the city.  Basically we are supposed to not let the intruders pass, but they are armed with fireworks and shoot them into the crowd.  

Running of the Bulls

There was never a place to sleep for the four days we were there.  We actually found a strip of grass on a median, in between 6 lanes of traffic. It was the only clean grass we could find, and despite the honking cars we slept just fine.  When we woke up there was like 20 more people all sleeping head to toe right down the middle of the highway.  San Fermines was absolutely insane, everyone parties ALL NIGHT, and then tries to run with the bulls early in the morning. I finally jumped in and ran, and it was pretty intense.  Definately a must for everyone to experience.


getting stuck in Amsterdam was not so bad.  But then it started to snow, (in late June!) and all we had were shorts and one hoody, one blanket, sandals.  Plus luggage, and no where to stay.  So we walked around the red light district, making the most of our night.  Dragging around bags, while I wore a hoody too small, and Diana wore a blanket.  Things got akward as we explained to hookers and drug dealers that we are normal people and not homeless.  We we were so out of place, and definatley not prepared.  But we survived probably because of my tenderfoot scout  skills

canary islands: tenerife island

camel ride, get up included

best restuarant, because of the fact that it was built into this cliff over looking the ocean.

Vienna, Austria

 The coldest place ever.  Very cool spur of the moment trip.  Vienna is the prettiest place to go for Christmas.  Everything you think of how christmas should look, vienna has got it down.  They have cider stands, big cookies, wooden toys, nativity sets, candy canes and snow.  Everything there was hand made, for a classic looking christmas
always watch your back ana
Me C.J. Damian and Ana took a trip to Vienna Austria for Christmas

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Spain Gana la Copa, and sam wins the hearts of many

4th of July in Virginia beach

We went to the beach for the fireworks, with the best guys ever from Arizona. And the best sellers for Pinnacle "los 5 Fantasticos". Gracias a ellos me siento mucho mejor en Estados Unidos. Son muy divertidos, graciosos, y sobre todo me entienden cuando hablo ingles!!!! : )